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Tips for Making a New Pet Feel Welcome When You’re also Starting a New Business

Are you getting ready to start a new business and also welcome a new pet to your family? Both of these life decisions can bring you great fulfillment and happiness if you do them correctly. The key is to make sure you dedicate enough time to your professional ventures, your pet, and your own personal development. Here are a few tips for making your new furry friend feel welcome when you’re also starting a new business, brought to you by Preferred Pet Sitter.

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Keep Your Pet’s Living Space Nearby

Anytime a pet enters a new home, it’s likely to feel a little anxious and uncertain. You can help minimize these feelings by setting up a living space for your pet that’s near or inside your office. Since you’re likely to spend a big chunk of your day in your office, keeping your pet near you can help it feel calmer and more at peace.

Set Your Business Up Correctly

If you set your business up incorrectly, you’re putting yourself at risk of legal repercussions. This can cause excess stress that interferes with your ability to concentrate on your work and to pay proper attention to your pet.

To give yourself peace of mind and minimize your risk of legal problems, learn how to set up your business correctly. This includes deciding what type of business you want and how to register it in your state.

Many home-based businesses are set up as limited liability companies. This is because an LLC limits your personal liability, requires less paperwork, and has a variety of tax advantages. It also offers a level of flexibility other types of businesses don’t offer. Using a formation service for Minnesota LLC registration means you don't have to pay a lawyer, giving you more free cash to spend on your new pet.

Take Breaks To Give Your Pet Attention

It’s easy for time to fly by when you’re working. For the sake of your sanity and the mental health of your pet, make sure you schedule frequent breaks throughout the day.

During breaks, get a drink, use the bathroom and stretch your body. While you take care of yourself, don’t forget to take care of your pet, too. Use the time to give your pet attention, which could be as simple as a brief fur-brushing session, a quick game of fetch or, teaching tricks and offering rewards.

Stick to a Schedule

Establishing a work and leisure schedule every day is a great way to stay on track. Without a schedule, you could easily find yourself playing all day with your pet instead of getting work done. A schedule helps you balance your time so you get everything done that you need to while still keeping your pet happy.

Hire a Trainer or Sitter

If your puppy or kitten needs too much attention or doesn’t let you do your work, invest in a professional trainer. Or you may wish to hire a sitter who can walk, play with or watch your pet during certain hours of the day.

Bringing a new pet home and starting a business at the same time may be difficult, but both can be done well if you put in the effort. Follow these helpful tips to make sure you’re successful.

The professionally trained staff at Preferred Pet Sitter can handle all your pet sitting and dog walking needs! 952-212-1673


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